What’s the ultimate one-size-fits-all Father’s Day gift? If you said a tie, we have some news for you about what not to buy Dad this year (or ever again). Trade in that tired accessory for a wellness experience — an in-home massage.
It’s the perfect gift for every dad on your list, from the expectant father to the dad whose kids have (finally) left the nest. Find out the type of Zeel massage we recommend to dads of different stages and why.
Expectant fathers
Get him: A Swedish massage
First-time dads-to-be are a ball of emotions — excited, anxious, and have no idea what they’re in for. Experienced parents tell newbies to rest up before the baby arrives, but who can relax when you’re worried about caring for an infant, stressing about finances, and trying to cater to the sometimes-impossible needs of their pregnant partner (like potato salad from the corner deli at 2 am)?
A Swedish massage is a relaxing and restorative treatment designed to relieve stress and boost circulation to get the dad-to-be in your life ready for what’s to come.
Dads of infants and toddlers
Get him: A deep tissue massage
Dads of infants and young children are bogged down with extra weight, and we’re not talking Dad Bods. They’re constantly lugging around toddlers, baby carriers, strollers, diaper bags, pack ’n plays, and more, which can lead to aches and pains.
Deep tissue massage focuses on underlying muscle tension and knots, offering stronger pressure than the Swedish massage — perfect for muscle recovery.
Fathers of school-age children
Get him: A sports massage
Dads of school-age children are eager to show off their athletic side by hitting the court or tossing the ball around. But if dad hasn’t worked out since state championships 2004 or he goes at it too hard, he could put himself at risk for injury.
Don’t let the name fool you, sports massage isn’t just for elite athletes. It combines deep tissue massage with assisted stretching to decrease muscle soreness, improve flexibility, and increase range of motion.
Dads of teenagers
Get him: A sleep massage
Teenagers may be able to sleep through anything, but dads of teens are a different story. Between waiting up past curfew, worrying every time their teen gets behind the wheel, and stressing about how to pay for college, dads may be losing sleep at this stage. Plus, they may be at the height of their careers which means longer days at the office and more responsibility. They need all the sleep they can muster.
While all forms of massage can help with sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation, Zeel sleep massage combines scalp massage, face and neck massage, and back massage specifically to promote deeper, better-quality sleep. Book one for the dad in your life late in the day so he can drift off to dreamland shortly thereafter.
Empty nest fathers
Get him: A couples massage
The kids are out of the house and dad can finally relax a bit. He’s settled in his career and past paying for college. Now’s the perfect time for him to reconnect with his significant other.
Couples massages are simply individual massages performed by separate therapists at the same time in the same room. Each person can choose the massage technique they prefer. They’re a great way to rekindle the romance.

A longtime freelance writer, Shelly Flannery has previously served as editor-in-chief of About Health, a 24-page consumer health magazine and editor-in-chief of Vim & Vigor magazine, a 56-page consumer health magazine syndicated in markets across the U.S. and Canada.