Melanie Peddle

Melanie Peddle holds a MS in Mechanical Engineering and has been practicing massage since 2012. She is an instructor with Western Colorado University in its partnership with the University of Colorado, focusing on biomechanical engineering and injury, as well as applications in adaptive sports. An accomplished collegiate athlete, Melanie brings an engineer's mind to all her physiological pursuits, and a passion for the most interesting engineering challenge of all: the human body.

22 Articles Published | Follow:
Massage for injury and post-surgery recovery
Why Full-Body Massage is Essential After an Injury or Surgery

Massage after an injury or surgery is a common recommendation to promote healing of the…

Massage therapy for fibromyalgia pain
Massage: An Essential Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a lifelong condition that affects millions of people and can cause chronic pain,…

Deep, targeted massage technique
Trigger Point Therapy vs. Myofascial Release

“Trigger point therapy” and “myofascial release” are phrases often used in conjunction with deep tissue…

Self-care for Achilles tendon pain
Self-Care for Achilles Tendinopathy and Tendonitis Pain

Achilles tendinopathy—a general term for nearly anything that can go wrong with your Achilles tendon,…

Sciatica pain treatment with massage
Treating Sciatica and Sciatic Nerve Pain With Massage

What is Sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, providing…

Self-massage tips for travelers to prevent and relieve pain
Self-Massage Techniques to Keep Your Travel Adventures Fun and Pain-Free

With the onset of summer comes vacations! Some folks will be heading to our national…

Knee pain: causes and treatment options
Knee Pain: What’s Causing it and How to Get it Under Control

Knee pain is one of the most common chronic pains suffered by Americans. It has…

Why massage is essential before surgery
Why Massage is Essential Before Surgery

If you have a surgery coming up, it’s understandable to be preoccupied with associated appointments,…

Massage table in a tranquil room
Ask a Massage Therapist: Is it Okay to Eat Before a Massage?

Yes, you can eat before a massage. In fact, having a snack before a massage…